
I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I have been very forgetful lately. I'm late for work almost everyday, I don't remember things, unless I write them down, and I think all of these things may be connected to smoking pot.
Seriously. I don't know how other people do it, but that dosn't really matter.
Do others ever feel like stepping outside of regular drinking, and smoking, in order to get on with life? It sure would help my $$ stacks grow.
Anyway, the picture here relates to this NY Times article about a man that continued painting self-portraits after learing he had Alzheimer's.
Due to circumstance I don't ride the green sweater express much at all these days.
But the golden-hoppy-bubbly lazy riverride is a daily indulgance for sure.
What I ought to do is quit smoking tabacco, and also have at least one night a week where I don't drink even one beer.
Jared, I think we're just getting old.
I wouldn't worry about it though because once things go really wrong we'll have enough sweet nano-brain-bots and medical technology that parts of our bodies and our minds won't mean shit anymore. That is, if you can afford that stuff after having blown all your money on booze and budz.
gettin older all the time...
I'm feeling it.
That's it. Getting older.
I was telling a few people at the Fetus about our halloween party, but I didn't want to make them feel old, by saying, "'s going to be, like, a college party, and you might not like that, because you're old."
Growing old, like a woman's menstrual cycle, is a disgusting thing. Jared, think of senility as a heavy period that will last the rest of your life.
of course a woman's Minstrel cycle, when she wanders around entertaining people with her loot, can be a very beautiful thing.
don't confuse the two, Jared.
Jared's bitches got mad lute!
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