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As I begin to settle into another long, arduous Minnesota winter I find myself watching more films. Mostly because I have grown weary of skiing in Minnesota after spending 2 winters in creamy Idaho. I feel as though I don't know shit about film, and the more films I watch the more films I wanna see. Also, I suffer greatly from media amnesia, in which I forget what records/magazines/books/films I was interested in moments after I step into a store. I had previous categorized this as a second hand side effect from Ryan's butt, though I have come to terms with my forgetfulness. So I seek guidance, any you pricks got your dicks on some hot flicks?
I just bought Firday a couple months ago, and watched for the first time ever. I liked it. have you seen that? Oh, and the Sting. That's good too.
I meant Friday, not Firday. They're not the same movie, or are they?
You oughta check out King Ralph. It has a hilarious fish-out-of-water premise.
I don't care what you have to say Ryan, (with exception to The Net and Swordfish), Hacking films are awesome so these are my three wintertime picks for you, Jared.
1. Track Down: Despite its name this film is also referred to as Hackers 2 although it's not a sequal nor does it contain rollerblading or german techno (sorry Carola). It does however star Skeet Ulrich and once you get past that whole telly-movie look it's embaressingly awesome in a 15 year old boy kinda way. Please watch this.
2. AntiTrust: Despite its name this film is (no shit) referred to as Hackers 3 and if you've just watched Hackers 2, why not follow it up right? It's also good in that 15 year old boy kinda way.
3. WarGames: A damn classic, 'nuff said.
Oh and watch WOLF CREEK.
DB McGB...a man who combines the taste of a 15 year old boy...with a taste for 15 year old boys.
...shit, I'm gonna feel your wrath for that one.
Yes, here's where Cameron goes Bizerk.
And speaking of Ferris Bueller... here's a zShare link to the instrumental of that Smiths song used in the Gallery montage. Gawd it's just so damn nostalgic, i wish my life was like that.
Hey dude can you come to SOFT on Fri. night to hear Josh and me and Ayako spin? Starts at 8 but goes all night--just like Ned's trademark "masturbation marathons!"
Should we always use the comment section for personal correspondence and organization of weekend plans?
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Why must you publicly air our grievances like dirty washing hung for all to see. "Shame on you".
(...but yes, maybe i will come on Friday but first i need to speak to a certain special someone who i will also invite).
Ah yes! Say no more...
but don't worry, I already invited Chris "Nelly" Nelson.
Sleeping with the Enemy.
The Green Mile.
ghost dad.
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How to Make an American Quilt.
This remake of Rear Window
yes, that's Christopher Reeve. He was perfect for the part.
I like the quotes from the one person who took the time to post a review about the remake of Rear Window:
"This movie also has nonstop cheesy lines and clichés, and is neither suspenseful, nor dramatic. As much as I hated this movie I will say that it did have some good acting from Christopher Reeve and Darryl Hannah."
Jared, did you see this remake?
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