Put That T-shirt On Me!!

F-F-F-Finally the *NEW* Spank Rock Tees are out and if you didn't get a chance to pick one up during december shows, i'm currently in the midst of putting together a big-ass order sooo whats say all you Forest Heights Hustlers support the team and post me on through your sizes before shit sells out. The tee is a 5 color print on American Apparel wares, costs $20 inc shipping... but maybe... juuust maybe, if our order is big enough we can get em for cheap. Tees will be shipped in the New Year and you can give your ca$h to Ryan or PayPal or something. Happy New Year!!
...and enjoy the Countdown - The best Ankle Breakers of 2006:
hey half drunk and no time to type, but you know I'm in for a white sweatswhirt (XXXS), and whatever else. What are the configurations? black/grey T's or yellow sweeats or anything else?
oh and good job congrats cheers to you kind sir!
Thanks Glabe - great! The first round of designs are just White Tee's with white sweats and color variations hopefully coming a little later... but for now, white tee's in S,M,L!! Olay!!
Nice! Two smalls for sure. You have a paypal account or should we go through Ryan?
most of my shirts are M, but I might need a L if the shirts run small, and/or my muscles keep getting bigger.
oh hey, those top two post are from RYAN. Used Matt's computer.
[ REW ]
Yowza, great lookin out Dirt. I will take one Large and two Smalls to go. How can I reimburse you for your goods and services?
OK. Chris you are paying that Dan guy? Do you paypal him? Should I get US bucks from these jokers while I'm here and put it in the bank to paypal him?
Jared, since they're American Apparel tees and your muscles are bound to grow if you keep doing those chin-ups, then maybe an L would be good...?
Shall we tally this up?
[REW] 1 Med
[J$] 2 Small
[JMT] 1 Lrg?
[LAL-IV] 1 Lrg 2 Small
And for right now, assume they're $20 a shirt, right?
if the shirts are Am Ap I will for sure need a large. Good looking out dawg.
Ahh wow!! Thank you all so much for the order, this is great. So umm.. in terms of payment, i'm putting in the order via Spank Rocks management so Ryan, if you can just get cash moneys from the forest heights crew, and i'll do the rest... don't worry about PayPal. Also, t-shirts are $20 a pop but i'm sure we can git 'em cheaper once i place the order and at very least, i should be able to include an extra t-shirt or two in with orders. And thank you all again!! Awesome.
I'll take a medium as well! Ryan, I will give you ca$h money before you leave.
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