Friday, March 21

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- The wire is too real!
- Teriyaki Boyz
- Here Come The Girls
- Lasgna Cat
- Smack These Hams
- Fred & Sharon - Awesome Show Great Job!
- check out this hilarious loophole...
- Thought I'd throw in a couple of Jimmy Jams I can'...
- all that's new & true and gay
- Uff, enough with the previous post.
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ha, I was never big on G.I. Joe but it seems a bit overdue for Hollywood to poopy out a live action summer blockbuster 3 hour murder party.
did this guy always have that red iching mark on his plastic body? i don't know the details but there's a water/north over fire/south symbol going on there. i wonder what his future holds?...
Your worst nightmare, meet Kent. Kent, your worst nightmare...
So yeah, I'm rarely interested in jumbo-sized Hollywood spectacle and epic-length...homicide ho-downs?
BUT, I was pretty into Snake-Eyes as a kid. That character probably influenced my decision to move to Japan and become a ninja-mercenary bound only to my honor and thirst for revenge. That and Pocky--loved that stuff!
Yeah that is an I Ching symbol on his arm.
There's another ninja guy (but he's on the C.O.B.R.A. side) with one as well, named Storm Shadow that was my other favorite. Here's the one I had:
I even had a choose-your-own-adventure novel based around him and his shifting alliances. So rad.
A white ninja suit covered in tetris shapes? I would be much more excited about movie stills of that guy.
The only G.I.Joe figure I ever had was Shipwreck
I have no idea how he came into my hands as I was never that interested in human-shaped toys aside from Mask. He did come with one fantastic little parrot that I still keep around, though.
Oh yeah, I had that same Shipwreck!
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