"If Brian Wilson can rap, then surely so can a pro wrestler.."

And you thought he was gone for good!
Well he wasn't gone, actually.. and somehow he came back, from nowhere...
and that's why the song's called "Hulkster's Back"
A sci-fi fantasy football blog about game codes and hot babes where a group of guys can kick back and worship in peace. Hosanna in the highest!
And you thought he was gone for good!
Well he wasn't gone, actually.. and somehow he came back, from nowhere...
and that's why the song's called "Hulkster's Back"
Ha, Terry's boots and tights looked so funny in the bottom picture; I thought for sure you crudely painted those red splotches (flames)? on his buttocks and boots.
Nope. Those are supposed to be there.
With whom did I discover that disused Hulk Hogan's PASTAMANIA restaurant behind the Riverside Towers on a bike ride years ago... Jared? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
That sounds familiar, but I think if I actually saw it that I would never forget it. Maybe someone else?
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