The Dork Knight

I went to a midnight showing of the new Batman. Crap my pants, and sit in it good. For some characters, the lines between good an evil are blurred, but for the mysterious Joker, he only knows murder, corruption, dynamite and fucking the world in the ass. Plus, we get to see Batman's new toys, like the full frontal cracked ice Bat Thong.
Labels: Couche Tard, Not Yet the 90's, spoiled brats, truth about ninjas
unless I catch this at the drive-in triple feature, the largest viewing screen for this movie will be 20". I am however, curious: did you soil yourself and then remain seated from sheer explosive wonderment and riveting storytelling or from absolute disgust and consequential shame?
combo icee + consequential shame
i saw this movie last night and liked it very much.
To be fair, the combo of icee + anything = Jared's pants crapped.
you may be thinking about tomasz
Ah, sorry!
icee + anything = Jared crapping Tomasz's pants.
you mean even if im drinking an Icee at Target Greatland in St. Louis Park, it will still result in Jared crapping Tomasz' pants?
I must speak for the geek community, otherwise underrepresented. Plus this post is a bit old so mayhaps none of you will even see this comment!
I felt that Christopher Nolan's last take on Bats was totally Jawesome, and though I haven't seen The Dark Knight yet all signs point to Radtastic. The trailers make my dark parts tingle.
Then again, maybe you just have to like thems comic books to like a film like this.
Either way, Nolan will never top Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin, pictured in the post. Mmmm... Bat-nipples...
apparently jared needs to buy his own pants, or at least wear his own.
i keep hearing good things about the late ledger's joker so i may have to use my old college i.d. and go to a megaflex.
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