2800 Bullittsburg Church Rd
I have been doing some gigs for Red Bull lately. Namely a "Flugtag" in Chicago and a Soapbox Derby in Cincinnati. Its all been a bit overwhelming - i.e. I played to 85,000 people at the Chicago show. Aside from the "holy shit this is a lot of people" vibe I get when playing, it has been really super kewwwwl. Presidential Suites, free flights, limos, Patron, Steaks, Mini Dirt Bikes and Celebrities.

Annnnyway, I was in Cincinnati this past weekend. Which, unbeknownst to me, is basically Kentucky and totally boring. So, while wandering around downtown Cincinnati I came across a flyer for the Creation Museum. None other than the one I read about just over a year ago here. I quickly grabbed my bags, flagged a cab and headed to 2800 Bullittsburgh Church Rd, Petersburg, Kentucky.

Following the "bomb inspection" of my gear by an intimidating State Trooper and his equally intimidating German Shepherd I was led inside. (side note: I was the only person they searched) The "greeter", being from Minnesota, gave me a guest discount - $24 savings whoop whoop! The tour took me about an hour and a half to complete and was full of "GUH?!" moments. Obviously. After the first couple rooms I stop reading about how Evolution is a myth blah blah blah and God's Word is truth meh meh meh.

The way they market this thing is really weird. It is supposed to be a Natural History Museum from a Christian perspective, but 85% of the tour is the story of Adam and Eve. Also, this thing is completely state-of-the-art. Flat Screens, Crazy lighting, Special effects and animatronics. Oh, BTW dudes, Adam was cut!

Everyone was super fat, enthusiastically taking prayer breaks, drinking big gulps and really really nice. Seriously. When my cab to the airport failed to show, one of the employees gave me a ride to the airport. Thanks Mayne! When I got in the van the Bible was sitting shotgun.

Annnnyway, I was in Cincinnati this past weekend. Which, unbeknownst to me, is basically Kentucky and totally boring. So, while wandering around downtown Cincinnati I came across a flyer for the Creation Museum. None other than the one I read about just over a year ago here. I quickly grabbed my bags, flagged a cab and headed to 2800 Bullittsburgh Church Rd, Petersburg, Kentucky.

Following the "bomb inspection" of my gear by an intimidating State Trooper and his equally intimidating German Shepherd I was led inside. (side note: I was the only person they searched) The "greeter", being from Minnesota, gave me a guest discount - $24 savings whoop whoop! The tour took me about an hour and a half to complete and was full of "GUH?!" moments. Obviously. After the first couple rooms I stop reading about how Evolution is a myth blah blah blah and God's Word is truth meh meh meh.
The way they market this thing is really weird. It is supposed to be a Natural History Museum from a Christian perspective, but 85% of the tour is the story of Adam and Eve. Also, this thing is completely state-of-the-art. Flat Screens, Crazy lighting, Special effects and animatronics. Oh, BTW dudes, Adam was cut!
Everyone was super fat, enthusiastically taking prayer breaks, drinking big gulps and really really nice. Seriously. When my cab to the airport failed to show, one of the employees gave me a ride to the airport. Thanks Mayne! When I got in the van the Bible was sitting shotgun.
Labels: Ned Sucks
I went to that Flugtag in Chicago last month. Total chaos. I can't imagine playing that massive crowd.
Hahaha... whaaaa?
This post just mlew my bind!
yeah, my mind's been emptied. especially by that sexy Adam. thank you FAITH science!
That photo of me trying to hold laughter back while surrounded by Red Bull Babez... It was taken by Dave "Walshy" Walsh - Halo World Champion. That creep hasn't lost in five years.
so your saying he had a 6-way with those dimes?
I have no idea what a flugtag is, but I just found out. Now I understand the 85,000 number... that is bonkers bonanza.
wow, i want to know more about flugtags also, having had my blinds also mowned
ned, try to get red bull to send you to japan!
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