The Shining

When was the last time you watched the Shining?
I just watched it last night, after coming home drunk from TK's Halloween party.
It's a creepy film, for sure. Jack does a good job of playing a sober drunk, who's losing grip, and can't stand his family, but the scariest part isn't Redrum, those two little girls, Sheely Duval, or the river of rushing blood in the hallway, to me the scariest part has always been the scene when the young, hot, naked woman in room 237, turns into the old, fat, scarred woman in room 237.

The funniest part is when Jack says, " a neeger?"
This might be the only movie that is truly scary to me.
I think the creepiest part is the one door he opens and sees the guy in a mouse mask about to go down on some dude.
yeah, that is really weird. as a kid I didn't really know what was happening there, and now that I'm older, I'm still not really sure. But watching the movie, one gets the sense that the kid can see weird shit, because he shines, and Jack sees weird shit, because he's going crazy, or maybe he shines too? But when you see the pig costume guy going down on the business looking guy, it's Shelly Duval that sees that, which is kinda weird, because she knows something weird is happening, but I think thats when we're to realize that the spirits of hotel are able to be seen by everyone., and not just Jack & Danny.
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