The Wildcat

Yesterday i had the good fortune of spending my time on a man-date with 'The Wildcat'. During this romantic liason 'The Wildcat' mentioned that whilst he had every intent on contributing more posts to The Forest Heights, it was proving a difficult task without assignment. It appears 'The Wildcat' is from the Kermit the Frog school of journalism that sees him drawn towards the thick of the action, following up stories and out on the beat. With that said, let's put on our thinking caps and set our special little mountain cat his first assignment.
why do girls pee out their butts?
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Grow a brain.
Each one of your posts is like six in one.
Josh, you should to a special report on that sushi-ya by your place.
Do an investigation on how you ended up in Japan. I don't think I've heard from "the wildcat" since before he left MN.
If that's not good enough, then just remember, this is a Fanasy Blog. left you imagination soar.
thanks, mcgirtbike. i haven't posted anything, or written to jared because of ONE pretty big reason:
i don't have a computer
derek recently asked me if I could send him some samples from a song i made with playerpro... sometimes i wonder if anyone knows i even left minnesota... i'm sure i said it but maybe no one was listening. no worry, i'll just write an awesome song about it...
jared you are the next prince, let's post up those recordings we made. and i am happy to say i am actually making money, and will soon have a computer with which to post quips, personal anecdotes, comments and MOST important: special assignments.
I can post those songs, but should I? I mean, really? Let's get a rally, and really build this sucker up.
Josh, you're in Japan?
Josh, perhaps you can do an assignment on the King of Fruits? Anything spring to mind?
yes, there is a picture of you next to a poster of an avacado, but i don't have the technical know-how to post in-comment links like you, you goddam fred savage super nintendo wizarrd! (here i would include a youtube link to a clip from the Wizard)
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