Mutants or Mega-robots? Either way...

Secret tunnels under Tokyo? I've seen enough anime to know this must be true.
Seven riddles
Labels: tunnel tokyo
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Labels: tunnel tokyo
This is awesome, but I wish it was more like that pic you posted. reminds me of Goonies II NES game.
""As for the "new" O-Edo Line (No. 7), "that existed already." Which begs the question, where did all the money go allocated for the tunneling?""
Well, I'm pretty sure they would have used it all because that line is like twenty fucking thousand leagues under the city. Were people really tunneling that deep under cities in the first half of the last century? You guys know that line man, those tunnels are so deep they put your butt to sleep.
I think these have been posted (probably by tunnel master Mr. Little) but here's some serious Tokyo tunnelage:
(tiny URL for Mr. Dirtbike)
Good to have you back Keith, where've you been?
Deep underground in a tunnel system of my own, headed to the center of the earth for gold, then who knows, its SUMMERRR!!
Looks like that game - Pitfall.
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