Bazzilonaire author, J.K. Rowlings, recently announced that one of the main characters of her Harry Potter Series, that Albus Dumbledore is gay. Feel free to read up more here at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21407911/ but basically she waits until the series ends and has made her money (last stop on a US book tour) to make this announcement. A couple things come to mind, and mind you I could care less whether he was gay or not (I cant believe I'm writing about a fictional book character). First, we will have 2 sides to the argument, whether or not a kids book should have a gay main character. Alot of people are giving her praise for bringing the issue to the table, but I see this as kind of cowardly. I mean, if she really thought this was something that should be used to help bring awareness, why wait until the series is finished and she has maxed out her profits? Can you imagine the loss of "muggle" readers if this came out in the 3rd book of 7? Not to mention the drop out rate at Hogwarts would surely send the school into a flat-spin that was headed out to sea. Further, what does this say about the Griffindores and surely the "naming hat" would have called out Dumbledore in front of the whole school ages ago, tarnishing their reputation. We would have parent groups going ape shit about this. Now that its too late, I wonder if people will really even bother to put up a fight. So the question is, Cowardly? Good Planning? or are you like me, and smell SPIN OFF SERIES!!
Yeah, I heard this, but I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. MUGGLES?@?!!
Anyway, Harry Pooter is gay as hell and so are the heterosexuals that support him/thme/her/you.
And, PLEASE people, can we remember that "A LOT" is "A LOT OF WORDS" therefore requires a space? I mean, yeah Im drank and not typping so well right now, but it's a typographic error of grand proportions that bothers me to no end. Ok, done.
i was just trying to imagine the spin off series...oh my..but it's not an all boy's boarding school right? But - I believe i heard Dumbledore dies in the last book,a spin off would have to be a set in an earlier, more sexually active time of Dumblys life - maybe at a different school. Just imagine all the fun words that could be invented in order not to be too explicit.
rew...haha, i heard you rage about a lot quite a bit (alot) before. It's älöt möre fün when yöür dränk.
Come on Ryan, don't let alittle mistake get to you.
ryan does that alot.
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