Like a Robot

"People need to have the will to use the robots."
Reuter's article about robots taking over the shitload of the work force in Japan, taking care of olds when the olds become 45% of the population and there's no more children left.
It's not surprising anymore to talk about the inevitability of robots doing human jobs, but look at this one, he can really corner like a mutherfucker! only if I could get one to clean my room!
Michoacan: Robostki
What a cutie carrying that little tray and pushing that cart around.
Can't wait till they finally outfit HIM with some love-bot holes.
Oh, but I should add that this article is a buncha baloney!
3.5 million my eye!
That simon pic reminds of what the photographer is trying to get Bill Murray to do in Lost in Translation. "Raja Moa. You know Raja Moa???"
Aside from that, I would love to work side by side with robots, it's like how the Japanese guy next to me has no idea what I'm looking at all day on the internet and can't understand when I tell Ryan this dudes lunch smells like a bright red monkey ass.
Also, we overlooking the awesomeness of being able to roundhouse your colleague right in the face or tell dirty jokes about hooters without the fear of sexual harassment charges!
well ryan, 3.5 million seems totally absurd, but it was written in Reuters, so it's true.
the real absurdity is how are we gonna round up all the batteries for these crazy 'bots?
we only have until 2025 to round up millions of D size batteries...
yeah kent, and you won't have to worry about your robot coworkers' lunches smelling like bright red monkey ass, either. they will most likely just smell like Radio Shack
who doesn't love the smell of R/C cars and walkie talkies?
I bet in 10 years there will be restaurants that have robot servers. I can't wait to not tip those buckets of bolts!
Ha! For Derek, the biggest benefit of our robotic future is no need to tip.
They're over-extrapolating this though, I think... like they're counting "robotic vacuums" and shit? It's not like vacuuming up pretzel crumbs in the Patterson's rumpus room counts as one human's job...
ya smell?
(like radio shack)
I guarantee that robotics have already replaced at least 3.5 million jobs. BLUE COLLAR AMERICAN JOBS!
yeah of course they might be extrapolating, but did they say 3.5 million humans' jobs or just 3.5 million jobs?
and isn't cleaning the rumpus room at Bennigan's actually a job, for a mentally retarded person?
basically aren't all these robots just going to put mentally handicapped people out of doing redundant, menial jobs?
and in the future who's gonna take care of them?
So I can start going to Walmart again?
currently we are looking to robots to take care of those humans who cannot care for themselves. in accomplishing this the robots will also sweep up any menial jobs those humans were employed at. in this way humans incapable of taking care of themselves will become the lapdogs of the robots. in ten years time working humans will constantly have to prove they are independent and deserve to live on their own while calling on a robot friend in florida to see how their parents are behaving - only to find they've been put down because they bit the neighbor's kid.
in twenty years time we'll all be living the sweet life as the rambunctious pets of our robot masters. 2038.
Can't wait spring break 2038!!!
My robots are outta town that weekend, dudes!!
Can't wait !
spring break !
twenty thirty eight !
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