A-Bomb a Uffie

A friend and Electric Fetus co-worker, Alison, recently moved to London. We've been keeping each other informed about going-on's, and such through email. She recently attened an Uffie concert, and had this in review.
It was pretty hot. Uffie herself if good looking, although she has that "I dyed my hair blonde when it obviously shouldn't be and isn't all that flattering" thing going on.
She played like 6 songs MAX and came out more than an hour late, by which point I wanted to smack all the ecstacy-ed out people running into me. It was one of those nights where no matter how much I drank and how much money I spent I just couldn't get drunk. I had a stupid day and I really, really wanted to be drunk. And since I was there with a non-British friend no wacky British drugs were coming my way.
It was a good show mainly b/c I wanted to hear Uffie do the "Ready to Fuck" song. She had this DJ who at first I thought was just a recording of a Lil Jon song b/c I kept hearing "WHAT!!!" then the voice started actually saying things related to the night like, "Give it to em Uffie!" But still in the Lil Jon voice.
Uffie - Ready To Uff
There were some real zexxy zexxy pictures of Uffie on the music-nets recently.
Nipples were involved.
Uffie..I don't like this girl
I'm not pumped about Uffie, but her zabadeebloobies looked well.
Her EP is like a decent warm up record, and this shit is perfect for Tokyo.
But I don't think anyone is excited about her cause she's a great rapper... Solid party beats, catchy hooks, ladies can dig it.
I think JJ meant Alison, but it's true, those Uffie songs are pretty good, but what else can she do? I'd like to know.
BTW, where are those pictures?
naauuughhtt beyyyaaaddd
I saw those pictures a while back..i threw them around on my web site..
Uffie..I kinda go Uff when I think of her..zing..
no seriously she just doesn't sit right with me...don't want to sound anti hipster shit..cause i ain't..i just don't dig Uffie
Ryan is the truth with those pictures..
and no comment on the abomb
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