Time to give the baby his bottle!
Tony Caro John

Now go download the first ever Millions Billions mix a million billion times
over at I think you'll find it more pleasureful than a
million billion blowjobs.
Tony Caro John

Now go download the first ever Millions Billions mix a million billion times
over at I think you'll find it more pleasureful than a
million billion blowjobs.
this millions billions mix makes dysentery feel like fellatio. but you don't have to take my word for it... go download your way to pure bliss.
I would like to hear feedback from people who matter... so let's hear your thoughts. we're gonna try and do one of these every month!
And Ryan, let me know if that TCJ doesn't work. I was having some serious trouble uncompressing it myself. There are other outlets.
let's discuss.
I own the TCJ on wax. It's a really nicecopy, we could rip it.
Yes fuckinng yes unrivaled radiclosity.
Could never manage to get this off slsk.
Thanks doode.
Mix is hot, I"ve forwarded it on to a couple friends with good reception. Lovin' the Mary Jane gurlz in the beginning of course.
And that ...what, transformers soundeffect? GIJoe? great touch.
My only criticism is the typeface on the cover you sent out is a bit janky, the century gothic looking one. But looking at the site now you've change it so kudos to your judo, sirs.
Well played with the image search here!
nice work D.
thanks ryan... and I actually didn't mean that stuff i said early about you being a baby. I don't think you're a baby.
If anyone missed their chance to download the Millions Billions mix before the YSI link went dead, it's been reupped over at
And if anyone is lame enough to have a myspace page, please be our friendster:
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