If anyone would like to join a great fantasy league, through yahoo, please feel free to sign up...
The draft is this sunday 10/26/08 at 12:15 CST (I don't know what the means to ya'll in asian land)
The league ID# 13901
pass - hoop
There is a $25 a person fee for the league that will get paid out to winners once we know the numbers of who we have. The draft order is set 45min before the draft. It's a weekly roster set that gets locked down every sunday night.
matt, i want to participate, but i honestly don't know enough about basketball hoops to play
and in club asia we only get to see live games that yao ming or yuta tabuse play in..
if i could follow the games it would be fun, though
I just can't do it this year either...
I enjoy the passive participation I can provide but really, I don't know what the fucked going own. Surry. <3
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