you know, I've been thinking a lot about monkey business lately. not the monkey business you all know so well, but try to wrap your minds around this. I figure in the not too distant future we'll all have monkey butlers; it's inevitable, and the reason I've dedicated my life to science. It's called PROGRESS, fuckers. Anywho, they'll wear tuxes, no shoes, and pick up my clothes with their feet. But, from what I know about monkeys and their highly advanced lifestyle, they'll spend more time masturbating and throwing their shit than, say, getting my mail. So I imagine all monkey butlers being fired in short order, and a glut of homeless out of work moneys on welfare. Then, one super smart monkey will say "Fuck this, we oughta go into business for OURSELVES, Ahh?" And then they'll all go to work for College Pro painting houses. Anyway, I'm just saying I wanna be their College Pro manager, that's all.
hey, how do we post songs? under the images?? i'm so confused!