Saturday, April 26

Just somethin' for Firday...

I though this was phunny. It was done by a local design company.

more to come this weekend...

Friday, April 25

Dee Dee Ramone Not A Negro

Since we're on the subject of famous white people making horribly bad rap songs, I thought I should post this clip from the Ramones documentary End Of The Century. Here is a clip from the movie where everyone (including Dee Dee) takes a moment to rip on how bad Dee Dee's rap days were.

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Wednesday, April 23

"If Brian Wilson can rap, then surely so can a pro wrestler.."



And you thought he was gone for good!

Well he wasn't gone, actually.. and somehow he came back, from nowhere...

and that's why the song's called "Hulkster's Back"

Just Had To

After hearing Brian Wilson's def gab on the MIC, I just had to post up The Beach Boys "Summer Of Love". Pretty damn cool. You might not think so, but just imagine a dance party, and the DJ is tearing it up with some Jamiraqui, or some Bobby Brown, then "POW" this shit drops. You'd go fucking NUTS!

I didn't know there was a video for that song, but thank God they got Bay Watch involved.

Also, have any of you dudes made a MUXTAPE yet? I just made one, and you can find it here

Monday, April 21

Holy fucking shit.



Holy fucking shit.

Full story here.

Thweet bicycle parking system in Tokyo

Sunday, April 20

Finally science invented something we can use


Saturday, April 19

Scienticians derive foulest music possible.

I didn't even know Russia had conceptual artists yet (other than as filler in their meat-blends), but apparently two slipped through the apparatchik's fingers to create a little jingle that reminds my brain of the sensation I forced on it as a youth with all the pop rocks colors on my tongue at once.
Here is a breakdown of their 'concept.'

"The most unwanted music is over 25 minutes long, veers wildly between loud and quiet sections, between fast and slow tempos, and features timbres of extremely high and low pitch, with each dichotomy presented in abrupt transition. The most unwanted orchestra was determined to be large, and features the accordion and bagpipe (which tie at 13% as the most unwanted instrument), banjo, flute, tuba, harp, organ, synthesizer (the only instrument that appears in both the most wanted and most unwanted ensembles). An operatic soprano raps and sings atonal music, advertising jingles, political slogans, and "elevator" music, and a children's choir sings jingles and holiday songs. The most unwanted subjects for lyrics are cowboys and holidays, and the most unwanted listening circumstances are involuntary exposure to commercials and elevator music. Therefore, it can be shown that if there is no covariance--someone who dislikes bagpipes is as likely to hate elevator music as someone who despises the organ, for example--fewer than 200 individuals of the world's total population would enjoy this piece."

Friday, April 18


Thursday, April 17

Thursday Jamzzzzz

Couple of goodies here. Sorry they're in Youtube form, I can't get my divshare to upload at work. I love the vocals on both of these cuts, but the first one is real funky/raw for a disco jam. Enjoy. Ohh, and Mariah Carey's new album is called E=MC^2. Twat...

Sunday, April 13

On Jupiter...Right, Ok, That's Sweet

Iron Mic

Saturday, April 12

Walkie Talkie Era

Not the greatest songs ever, but on the old school tip. These songs crushed the airwaves when I first got cable. That seems like so long ago that cable TV was a amazing. Today I watched Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy through my brother's webcam, that was after watching a Bob Marley concert through Slingbox on my friends network channels in Washington DC. Lets appreciate the greatness in technological evolution and listen to some shitty jamz that first got me into cable via VH1!

Friday, April 11

A Teenage Symphony To God

Most people I grew up with went through some kinda Beach Boys faze. Discovering the pure genius behind the album Pet Sounds, then the bootlegs of SMiLE, the unreleased "Teenage symphony to God" that took almost 40 years to finish and release as "complete". All of that music, combined with the tragic story of a tormented genius in the midst of a fucked-up family and the pop music industry, made the Beach Boys become interesting subjects to study, and made me realize that their image of being this "nostalgic fantasyland you could revisit where Vietnam never happened and baby boomers never had to face the responsibilities of parenthood" only exists through way of marketing.

In 2001, Pete Tomatz and I went on a spree to gather up as much music from the SMiLE recording sessions as possible. I truly thought the album would never be completed, and sort of felt that it was our duty to make the most complete version of what we could find. Of course, I was limited to what I could find at the time and the information we had about it, plus we took liberties to make it flow the way we liked it best, so there was no way it was going to be accurate.

Here's what we came up with: Beach Boys (expires 4/17)

Thursday, April 10


Wednesday, April 9

Baby with two faces worshipped as Goddess.

"She drinks milk from her two mouths and opens and shuts all the four eyes at one time"

I thought about posting the picture too, but i'm gonna just do us all a favor limit it to one gander.

Like a Robot

"People need to have the will to use the robots."

Reuter's article about robots taking over the shitload of the work force in Japan, taking care of olds when the olds become 45% of the population and there's no more children left.

It's not surprising anymore to talk about the inevitability of robots doing human jobs, but look at this one, he can really corner like a mutherfucker! only if I could get one to clean my room!


Michoacan: Robostki

Monday, April 7

Major Drug Bust In Maplewood

Friday, April 4

Highlights: GQ piece on James Brown

A long look back on the Godfather's life in the new issue of GQ, here.
One night in the summer of 2001, after he’d slathered her in Vaseline (“He liked you all greased up,” she says. “Like a porkchop”) and wore her out trying to come, he gave up and left the room, and Gloria dozed off. When she woke up, Mr. Brown was standing at the foot of the bed in a full-length mink coat over his bare chest, a black cowboy hat, and silk pajama pants with one leg tucked into a cowboy boot and the other hanging out. He had a shotgun over his shoulder and a white stripe of Noxzema under each eye. “I’m an Indian tonight, baby,” he announced. “C’mon, let’s let ’em have it.” Then he dumped a pickle jar of change on the floor, told her to get a machete, and went out to the garage. He took the Rolls, drove ten miles to Augusta, weaving all over the road, clipping mailboxes, smoking more dope, and screaming about being an Indian. Gloria kept thinking she should flag down a cop, say she’d been kidnapped.
Vaseline-grease job? Relatively freaky--yet for goodness sakes he wasn't cuttin' them tasty cakes until he was 60?
Hell, the man was in his sixties before he discovered doggy style on the Playboy Channel. He called up Roosevelt Johnson at three in the morning to tell him about it. “You sittin’ down, Mr. Johnson?” he asked, which is what he always said when he had an astonishing new fact to report. “Black man don’t know nothing. Black man don’t know a damned thing. A white man, he get up in his woman from behind.” Johnson pretended to be surprised by that.

Wednesday, April 2

Current dreamy steam stream:

Anthony Moore: "ABCD Gol'Fish" (Polydor, 1971)